Staffin, Isle of Skye, Scotland (GB)


Pinus sylvestris.
Oignies-en-Thierache, Belgium.

Jeroen Heester
Jeroen Heester

Soil (clay from the land.)
Saint Ferreol de Comminges, France.

Jeroen Heester
Jeroen Heester

Composition 10.
Frame ca. 17.5cm.x 17.5cm.
Quercus, Corylus, Picea.
Oignies-en-Thierache, Belgium.

Jeroen Heester
Jeroen Heester

Composition 9.
Frame ca. 0.8m.x0.8m.
Noorder IJ-Polder/Noordzeekanaal, Amsterdam.

Jeroen Heester
Jeroen Heester

Composition 8.
Frame ca. 0.2m.x0.2m.
Stones, debris, organic material.
Coentunnelcircuit, Amsterdam.

Jeroen Heester
Jeroen Heester

Composition 7.
Frame ca. 0.2m.x0.2m.
Amsterdam / NDSM warf, The Netherlands.

Jeroen Heester
Jeroen Heester

Composition 6.
Frame ca. 0.3m.x0.3m.
Oak leaves.
Den Treek, The Netherlands.

Jeroen Heester
Jeroen Heester

Co,position 5.
Frame ca. 8m.x8m.
Basalt blocks, measuring between 0.5m. - 2.5m.
Stones mimic their natural positioning.
Ytri Tunga, Snæfellsnes, Iceland

Jeroen Heester

Composition 4.
Frame ca. 1m.x1m.
Basalt beach pebbles.
Stones mimic their natural positioning.
Djúpalónssandur, Snæfellsnes (6x), Iceland

Jeroen Heester

Composition 3.
Frame ca. 15cm.x10cm.
Stones at the shore of the lake.
Baulárvallavatn, Baularvellir, Iceland

Jeroen Heester

Composition 2.
Frame ca. 1.2m.x1.2m.x1.2m.
Harbour area, Amsterdam

Jeroen Heester

Composition 1.

Jeroen Heester


Jeroen Heester

Title: What's wrong with the idea of Pfizer funding an art community?
Plausibility of moral relativism.
The decadence of an ‘Ignorance is bliss’ attitude of a socially wishfull coloured society.
Lacquer on steel.
NSDM loods (which houses the art community 'Kunststad'), Amsterdam
Temporary graffiti: experimental and creative study.

- Wishful self image in relation to plausible (self)denial.

The artwork has been subject of intens debate within the art community, implicitly defining idealism as 'the consciously unknown', thereby pointing into the direction of the cultural origin of fear / plausible denials.

- Simultaneously emphasizing moralism as the avant garde standard of many artists.

1: Pfizer – Medical experimentation by pharmaceutical companies, such as Pfizer, in African countries have lead to fatally injured test subjects (Nigeria.) Also, Pfizer settled for the largest criminal fine of any kind ever for fraudulent marketing (2009.)
2: The NDSM loods with the steel blue doors, is an old industrial complex that houses many struggling and artists in an idealistic art community.
1+2: The money has to come from somewhere. And isn't it already indirectly sponsored by a-moralist investments?

The work is not a statement against Pfizer. On the contrarie. It sympathizes with it, as society might do, however, this work does so in public. Resulting into an intense debate. This represents the very point: ignorance is bliss, until one is not ignorant any longer. This work tries to achieve that.

Jeroen Heester
Jeroen Heester

Title: UNIS helmet.
Official UN helmet, white paint, IS logo.

History remembers enemies of one war turning into allies in another. If history and future possibilities are included in duality-polarity paradox, the vortex mind turns into a tornado of options.
This particular genuine UN helmet was presented as present in Bosnie, used by the Dutch forces, trying to be allowed to protect civilians in a Serbian-Moslim war.

Jeroen Heester

Title: Relativity.
Blood, 1.5l. (artist's), gelatine, resin, mould (in process), plastic display box.
2015 - no end date.

The closed system of planet earth, an un-equal distribution of goods, results in extreme luxury of one particular group. As a concept, to experience luxury, equals to experience and cause death by intelligence, symbolized by the artist's own blood.

The artist's blood has been hardened with gelatine and sealed of with resin. Nonetheless mould and oxygen have found their way in.
Unintended, yet un-mistakenly part of the work.

Jeroen Heester
Jeroen Heester

Title: Moral relativism (1)
a.k.a. Jesus.
Plastic, steel.
exhibited: BrabantsMuseum, 's-Hertogenbosch.
performance: W139, Amsterdam.

Inspired by the economic downfall, as a result of the financial crisis of 2008, the Netherlands remembers its golden century. Formalised by the Dutch prime minister as he tried to motivate the country its entrepreneurs by celebrating the Dutch VOC-mentality (slave trading).

This project focussed on the institutionalised elimination of guilt by religion, in order to run a financially more profitable business.

Therefore to give birth again to Jesus, enabled this project to murder him again in advance, for our sins to be committed, in order to enjoy a few more centuries of luxury, as an escape plan for the present crisis.

An antique corpus has been carefully restored, similar to death sentenced criminals must undergo health checks, before execution is allowed to take place.
In a rotational casting machine, a modern plastic Jesus was re-born and -quickly after- murdered in advance and exhibited.

Jeroen Heester
Jeroen Heester

Title: Casting of Jesus.
Rotational casting device (self designed and constructed.)
Location: W139, Amsterdam.

See: above.

Jeroen Heester
Jeroen Heester

Title: Now that we have done everything, may we reduce ourselves to ratio and repetition?
a.k.a. Mona Lisa.
Oil on primer/gesso on linnen
2m. x 2m. (2pcs)

In order to run a profitable business, innovation requires investment in advance. Guaranteed financial return approves the investment to take place. Genuine innovation hardly guarantees financial return, due to its rare and risky nature. As a result, re-makes of proven success formulas have become familiar parts of our cultural landscape.

To embrace the decrease of genuine cultural innovation, this project opts to copy-paste the most popular artwork of our time: the elusive smile of La Gioconda (the Mona Lisa).

A hand drawn mesh wire frame, that carefully has adopted the damages from the original painting in The Louvre, rationalizes the elusiveness and enables it for mass production. Oil painted on polished canvas, to eliminate uncontrolled effects of shade and texture, in twofold, symbolizes reproduction.

Deliberately not knowing which of both reproductions is the original, puts innovation in perspective. Both identical, hand painted, rationalizations are forbidden to be separated from each other.

Jeroen Heester
Jeroen Heester
Jeroen Heester

Plausibility of moral relativism.
The decadence of an ‘Ignorance is bliss’ attitude of a socially wishfull coloured society.
Digital collages (studies) for non-commercial personal screen saver purpose.

Triptich: The advertisement-collages exhibit polarities that relate to plausibility:
Each of the three collages show a celebrity that suggests to advertise a brand which their 'personal' branding would strongly oppose. [Comparable to a governmental financial watch-dog that switches jobs to become a lobbyist for an investment bank.]
The suggested spoken lines of each celebrity are inspired by their ‘personal image and branding’ the way an agency would do so.
The Monsanto sponsored army tank further investigates this plausibility theme. [besides delivering democracy, delivering healthy food and economic potential to unstable area’s of the world. Would that require a role for a sponsor?] Not meant to fuel polarities or even worse such as complot theories, rather than to nuance socially wishful moralism.
The works are not a statement against any of the brands, industries or any of the celebrities. The work is a critique on socially wishful moralism. It is meant to trigger disbelieve and doubt about one’s perspective.
Ignorance is bliss until one is not ignorant any longer. This work tries to achieve that.

Jeroen Heester
Jeroen Heester
Jeroen Heester
Jeroen Heester

-no title-
a.k.a. Lie schemes / studies.
Ink on 200gr. paper
1.5m.x2m., related works on various sizes.

These four worldly known cases, exhibit a liar being caught on their main subject. Each of the four works showcases the structure of interrelations in which the rules were bended and hard lies were made in order to evade human nature.
These lie-schemes have been further used to visualize its related (cultural) pattern as well as its abstract expression.

Jeroen Heester
Jeroen Heester

Title: Silhouette
Commissioned sculpture. Public space, Amsterdam, NDSM wharf.
Steel, coated.
Enabled by the official Dutch art-foundation: Kunstenplan, Stichting Beheer NDSM-Werf Oost, Amsterdam.
Exhibited 2015 - 2020

This work opts to counterbalance the gentrification of an old industrial site. by causing fear, each visitor is directly guided towards their feelings and emotions.

Jeroen Heester

Title: Landscape of emotion.
a.k.a. The spiders.
Tar, steel, plaster, resin.
exhibited: (Amsterdam) NDSM wharf, NDSM open, NDSM loods, Maison Descartes, EYE-Filmmuseum, De Balie, OHK, (Rotterdam) Schouwburgplein.

Fear seems to be our strongest emotion. Therefore, a landscape of spiders, as a blanket, ads emotion to emotionless environments.
Aren't we all emotional beings, that should live an an emotional inspiring environment?

Jeroen Heester

-no title-
Head size.
Published: Domus

Cities depict an real estate investment. One of its greatest achievements is to deliver return on investment.
This work was fabricated to emphasise the shrinking appreciation for the city as a place to live and spent your live in. By means of building-demands, high-rise buildings will express the loudest scream ever, as a petition to emphasise the emotional effect of treating people and cities as a means, instead of as an idealistic goal (double-role).

Jeroen Heester

Architectural studies

Jeroen Heester
Jeroen Heester
Jeroen Heester
Jeroen Heester
Jeroen Heester
Jeroen Heester