Jeroen Heester (1972) Amsterdam.
Amsterdam University for the Arts.
Info.: jeroenheester [at] gmail [dot]com

Heester focusses on how we shape our world.
After his study in landscape design, he received his master degree at the Amsterdam School for The Arts in city design.
During his career as a landscape and city designer at the municipality of Amsterdam, Heester published various theories and innovative design concepts in professional literature, regarding the way we shape our world. In addition he won a prize in a respectful international architecture competition.
He developed a curiosity in the opposing forces of the design of cities, resulting in a series of sculptural works. Some of which where invited for museum exhibitions. Also, Heester was commissioned an art project in the public space of Amsterdam.
These works led to his theory concerning the culture of society (ink on paper.)
Afterwards Heester was invited to work in Iceland as a visiting professor in city- and landscape design. During his stay he summarized all his findings in a series of land art compositions.
Each composition shows a juxtaposition of effort and context. Reflecting on the cultivation of ourselves.

Heester concludes that our environment is a physical manifestation of its culture. In his works Heester focusses on this cultural aspect. Projects can be categorized in three stages, in chronological order:

1: Sculptural works that visualise Heester his perception on the culture of society.

2: Theoretical works that visualise Heester his theory on the culture of society.

3: Land art works that visualize Heester his view on the cultivating nature of society.

All works by Heester have been destroyed.
The spiders have been donated to the NDSM Warf in Amsterdam, as a form of funding.

Facebook / Instagram:

Jeroen Heester

NDSM Loods (Amsterdam)
BrabantsMuseum (Amsterdam)
W139 (performance, Amsterdam)
Maison Descartes (incl. lecture, Amsterdam)
NDSM open (invited guest artist, Amsterdam)
NDSM werf (commissioned artwork in the public space of Amsterdam)
EYE Filmmuseum (official opening Amsterdam Museum-night)
Schouwburgplein, Rotterdam
DeBalie (Amsterdam)
OHK (Amsterdam)

2018 Laetare
2017 Verspijkerd en Verzaagd
2012 Parool
2011 deArchitect (4x)
2010 deArchitect (2x)
DOMUS magazine #928
2009 Mark Magazine #22
2008 Volume #16
ArchitectenWeb (interview)

Educational activities:
2021-2024 Member board of advice Hogeschool Utrecht, masters program MUAD.
2019 Visiting professor at the AUI-university of Iceland, urbanism/landscape architecture.
2011-2014 Lecturer in City Analyses at the Academy of Architecture in Amsterdam.
2009 Technical University Delft, graduation teacher (on request by various students.)
2004 Teacher international design program, VanHall/Velp.
2004-2014 Part time lecturer at various Academies of Architecture and at the University of Breda.